
  • Personal Advice & Management
  • Translation & Interpretation Service
  • Legal & Fiscal Services
  • Office & Authority representations
  • Property Management
  • Property Sale & Rental
  • Multiservices (Home, Garden & Pool Maintenance)
  • Other Services


  • Persönliche Beratung & Management
  • Übersetzungs- & Dolmetscherdienst
  • Rechtliche & Steuerliche Dienste
  • Behördengänge & Vertretungen
  • Immobilienverwaltung
  • Immobilienverkauf & -Vermietung
  • Multiservices (Haus-, Garten- & Poolpflege)
  • Andere Dienstleistungen


  • Asesoramiento & Gestión Personal
  • Servicio de Traducción & Interpretación
  • Servicios Legales & Fiscales
  • Representación & Trámites ante Oficinas y Autoridades
  • Gestión de la Propiedad
  • Venta & Alquiler de Inmuebles
  • Multiservicios (Mantenimiento de Vivienda, Jardín & Piscina)
  • Otros Servicios


  • Conseil et gestion personnels
  • Services de traduction et d'interprétation
  • Services juridiques et fiscaux
  • Représentations du Bureau et de l'Autorité
  • Gestion des biens immobiliers
  • Ventes et locations de biens immobiliers
  • Multiservices (Maintenance de la maison, du jardin et de la piscine)
  • Autres Services
Sundream Properties

Sundream Properties

"Our real estate partner" / "Nuestro socio inmobiliario" / "Unser Immobilien-Partner"

Fabian Schunke

Fabian Schunke

" Your expert in Garden & Landscape" / "Su experto en jardinería y paisajismo" / "Ihr Experte in Garten & Landschaft"



Chat Service - Do you have a question? Write to us!

A personal contact person makes many things easier. That's why you can ask your questions directly on our website. Simply click on the chat symbol, which you always see in the lower right area. Our consultants are there for you from Monday to Friday from 08:00 ...


Think of your Tax Return 2018!Payment Limit 30th June 2019

We are in the period of presenting the tax return for the year 2018. Don't miss it ! Around 90 percent of tax returns submitted involve a refund. Contact us for a free advice: E-Mail: info@multiadvise.com Phone & Whatsapp: 603250484  

Announcement of the Spanish Government

 Pedro Sanchez, the Spanish president, has announced a law that will come into effect in February 2019, which will guarantee the continued welfare of the former British population in Spain in the light of a possible "no Brexit agreement"These plans will help the new 1,000,000 ...